
Our Idea

easyCharge is an intelligent charging system which communicates with it's user's smartphone. You can control your power outlets while being able to look at your electricity with a calculation on your approximate electrical bill. Only thing you need to make it work is a working WIFI network. As our first step to realize our project, we are mounting one of our intelligent charging stations on a street lamp. This one can be monitored and controlled by scanning a QR Code with our app.

All measured data is sent to the user's smartphone and can be analyzed on a graph. Naturally we are guaranteeing that our components are made with the latest technology to be as efficient in ressources as possible.

Our App

Simple and clean.

One of the most important aspects of our app is a simple and intuitive usability. Our users should not require any manual.

We prioritize speed.

What's the use of the best looking app when you can't use it because it's too slow? Speed and stability is our first priority.

Live calculations.

You can check your overall consumption with data, and statistics, which is provided by the charging stations to our database and parsed to the app.

Material design.

Our Android app is based on the material design guidelines to ensure a modern and smart design for our application.

Our Team

Manuel Zika

project leader

Paul Janßen

co-project leader

Hakan Eren

project member

Sebastian Heftner

project member

DI Martin Meschik


Feedback? Troubles?

Then... contact us

via phone or email

project leader Manuel Zika
mobil +43650/8130796
mail zika@easycharge.at
co-project leader Paul Janßen
mobil +43660/3406360
mail janssen@easycharge.at
project member Hakan Eren
mobil +43699/14084149
mail eren@easycharge.at
project member Sebastian Heftner
mobil +43676/4648920
mail heftner@easycharge.at
supervisor DI Martin Meschik
mobil +43676/3472935
mail martin.meschik@mpkeg.com

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